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Quarta-feira, 3 de Fevereiro de 2010
Design Bump liga Business Angels a Empreendedores

O portal Design Bump tem como objectivo ligar empreendedores da área do design a business angels na Índia, país da economia emergente que cada vez mais se afirma.


Design Bump é uma comunidade de designers empreendedores que partilham informação útil, dicas, curiosidades e onde se pode votar e descobrir links na Web sobre design, desenvolvimento de negócios nesta área e investimento.


Poderá encontrar artigos interessantes sobre temas como a alavancagem de negócios online, criação de valor, como causar uma primeira boa impressão a clientes, entre muitos outros.



publicado por Francisco Banha às 19:13
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Sexta-feira, 23 de Janeiro de 2009
Índia e China - O que separa os dois gigantes

"Para esclarecer algumas dessas diferenças e desmistificar conceitos criados no Ocidente, o professor de Harvard Tarun Khanna escreveu Bilhões de Empreendedores, que chegará às livrarias no Brasil no final de janeiro, pela editora Campus-Elsevier. Nele, o autor discute o processo de abertura de mercado dos países, analisa por que China e Índia são tão diferentes e traz casos de empreendedores no mercado asiático. A premissa de Khanna é que esses conhecimentos serão cada vez mais necessários aos ocidentais, já que o futuro da economia global está ligado diretamente a esses países. "Poucas empresas poderão se manter competitivas sem ter um pé na China e outro na Índia", afirma o autor."

[artigo completo in Portal Exame - Brasil]

publicado por Francisco Banha às 18:39
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Segunda-feira, 22 de Dezembro de 2008
AAPI - newsletter 20-XII-08

Alguns destaques da última newsletter da Associação de Amizade Portugal Índia.

India Inc told to go by principles, not the rulebook, on governance. Addressing a CII interaction on corporate governance here on Thursday, industrialist Adi Godrej, chairman of the Godrej group, said the need of the hour is concentration on principle-based rather than rule-based corporate governance, since, during trying times like these, the temptation to deviate remains large.


Gen next business model will emerge from India. Delivering the special address on ‘Creating Next Practices’, at the Manufacturing Summit 2008, organised by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Mr McGregor, said India has deep values and cultures and the business model for the next generation for the world could emerge by harnessing the inherent potential of the country, he said.

Economy to grow 7.5-8% this fiscal on services. Services will prove to be a stabilizer for the Indian economy to enable it grow by 7.5-8% this fiscal, a key Finance Ministry official said, amid fears on the part of some that the sector will slow down in a major way in the remaining months of 2008-09.


World Bank to lend US$ 14 billion for infrastructure projects in India. The World Bank has said in a statement that it will provide US$ 14 billion over the next three years to India to facilitate its infrastructure development projects and to help it achieve its Millennium Development Goals.


US trade team eyeing $150 bn nuclear pie back on track. The largest ever US commercial nuclear mission to India with an eye on a major share in its projected $150bn nuclear business is back on track, after being postponed following the Mumbai terror attacks.


India, Russia ink nuclear deal; nine other agreements. The agreements signed in the presence of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev were in diverse areas ranging from space and defence to finance, human space programme and tourism. The new Russian President is accompanied by a host of officials and businessmen from various state-run and private agencies and companies.


More IT projects likely to come India's way: PWC. At a time when customers in the US are battling with economic recession, they will send more information technology projects to India, in order to bring down their costs of operations, according to a study done by Offshoring Research Network (ORN), in alliance with Duke University and research firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.


Healthcare BPOs dial India for core competency. The US business process outsourcing (BPO) of healthcare services to India are here to stay. According to HR expert and managing director of Ma Foi group, K Pandia Rajan, there is no dithering being observed in the US-based healthcare and pharma BPOs as Indian market has proved its niche in the vertical.


India tops foreign VCs list. While foreign portfolio investors have been selling stocks of Indian companies, overseas venture capitalists continue to invest in Indian assets. In a sharp contrast to foreign institutional investors (FIIs) selling shares worth Rs 15,000 ($3.700 millions) crore in the first quarter, foreign venture capital (FVC) investors have invested close to Rs 17,000 ($4.250 millions) crore in Indian assets during the April-June quarter.


Global auto majors accelerate pace of sourcing components from India. The cost pressures building up for global auto companies during the current economic slowdown could well be an advantage for India. Those who have been using the country as their component sourcing base say that they will be accelerating the pace of sourcing from here.


Shinde promises electricity for all by 2012. The government plans to provide electricity for all by 2012, Power Minister Sushilkumar Shinde told reporters in New Delhi. "So far, 53,000 villages have been electrified and by 2012 everyone will get electricity."


India likely to emerge as global hub for innovation. India is likely to emerge as the next global hub for innovation and join the club of developed nations, with the country aiming to increase its research and development (R&D) expenditure in the coming years, according to a study by Evaluserve, a global research and analytics firm.


Elcot SEZs to attract Rs 25.000cr ($6 200 millions). The proposed IT parks in special economic zones (SEZs), promoted by the Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu (Elcot), across seven southern districts of the state are likely to attract Rs 25,000 crore investments. These SEZs are expected to create 540,000 direct and over 1.5 million indirect jobs over the next five years, said Santhosh Babu, managing director, Elcot.


TRAI moots steps to push rural telephony. In a bid to improve rural telephony, telecom regulator TRAI on Tuesday proposed that all operators who offer communication services in rural India and share their infrastructure with other players be given financial support from the telecom development fund. At present, all telcos pay 5% of their annual revenues towards this fund—Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF).


publicado por Francisco Banha às 10:57
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Sexta-feira, 11 de Janeiro de 2008
o novo carro do povo


Foi apresentado ao público o carro mais barato do mundo, o Tata Nano. Produzido pela indiana Tata Motors, o veículo citadino cumpriu o que havia sido prometido - vender um carro por 100.000 rúpias (1.700 EUR).


Com os seus 35cv, 624 cm3 e todos os dispendiosos acessórios como vidros eléctricos ou ar condicionado retirados da versão base, a única preocupação que rodeia o carro são as condições de segurança, certamente bem longe dos padrões europeus. Este será, aliás, um dos factores que mantém e manterá a entrada no nosso mercado de veículos a tão baixo custo.


Apesar de tudo, as marcas que comercializam na Europa estão já a desenvolver veículos low-cost para enfrentar a potencial concorrência. A Tata Motors não está assim tão longe, segundo um artigo da Forbes. Com um longo historial de aquisições, adquiriu em 2005 21% da espanhola Hispano Carrocera e possui uma joint venture com a brasileira Marcopolo que opera uma fábrica em Portugal.


No que respeita à Índia, nasceu um novo carro do povo.

publicado por Francisco Banha às 11:52
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Novembro 2011






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