Esta foi a questão que um empenhado empreendedor e empresário colocou num Fórum online a David S. Rose (na foto)- empreendedor, business angel, presidente da Angel Soft e meu amigo.
“The most important thing to expect is that your seed funders will expect you to deliver on the rosy picture that you painted while raising your round! That means you will need to hit all the product development milestones you promised, and all the sales numbers and strategic partnerships that you had projected. And despite the best of intentions on all sides, this is much, much more difficult than it appears while you are working on your prototype and spinning wonderful visions of your future world domination.” (…)
Leia a continuação desta didáctica resposta dada por David S. Rose em
Portal do Empreendedorismo no Desporto
Start-Up Whisperer
Seth Godin
Venas Inside
No Fio da Navalha